West deals none vulnerable


                                     Spade-small 8532

                                     Heart-small KJ954

                                     Diamond-small 74

                                     Club-small 65

Spade-small AT97                                                      Spade-small Q

Heart-small 2                                                            Heart-small AT8763

Diamond-small AJT9                                                     Diamond-small Q3

Club-small J974                                                      Club-small AT82

                                    Spade-small KJ64

                                    Heart-small Q

                                    Diamond-small K8652

                                    Club-small KQ3                  


If your system allows for opening a 1NT bid with a 4441 shape or indeed any other unbalanced hand shape then having a partnership agreement that a redouble of a double by opponent’s of a transfer bid partner to show  2 or less cards held in the suit transferred to and 5 cards in the transfer suit and willingness to defend is a clever bid to have in one’s partnership agreements.

This agreement could also be used if partnership’s always open 1NT with balanced hands if modified to show exactly 2 cards.

What is interesting is that on the actual hands it appears 5Club-small is a makeable contract: 6Club-small3Diamond-small1Heart-small1Spade-small tricks  losing just the KQClub-small and 3NT has chances. 2Diamond-smallXX going 3 off scores far better but South is unlikely to pass and instead bid 2Heart-small after asking what the redouble shows and end up in 2Spade-smallX. Unfortunately this doesn’t play any better than 2Diamond-small but only loses 500.

So if one is going to open West’s hand to find 5Club-small is there a better bid than 1NT for this 4441 shaped hand?

Well perhaps not better we play a 1Diamond-small catch all bid that caters for 4441 shape hands.

Our bidding would be:

N        E        S        W


-         1N      2Diamond-small    2Spade-small

-         2N       -        3Heart-small

-         3Spade-small     -         4Spade-small

-         5Club-small



1Diamond-small is 0-25 HCP <= 7 losers 4M (if < 7 losers 4441 shape)

1N is <= 8 losers positive response

2Spade-small is 7 losers and 4Spade-small1Heart-small4Diamond-small4Club-small  or 4Spade-small0Heart-small54

2N  is a relay ask for more info

3Heart-small is 4441 shape option 10 total losers

3Spade-small is CRO relay

4Spade-small is 2 A of opposite rank/colour.

As East has 6 losers from rule of 18 this indicates they can possibly make a 5 level contact and from law of total losers that apart from 2A West at best also has the QClub-small; which doesn’t look promising. After bidding 5Club-small West is very lucky to see partner’s solid diamonds reward the brave.

In our system a double of 2Diamond-small overcall  would show 5+Diamond-small and 7 losers and a pass 5+Club-small and 7 losers.



Started by SEAN LYNCH on 28 Feb 2019 at 01:44AM

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