Board 10 Dealer E Both vulnerable:


                                       Spade-small AK753

                                       Heart-small Q8653

                                       Diamond-small 8

                                       Club-small 97

Spade-small 86                                                                    Spade-small Q42

Heart-small AJ72                                                                Heart-small 4

Diamond-small K764                                                                Diamond-small AT953

Club-small 652                                                                   Club-small QT83

                                       Spade-small JT9

                                       Heart-small KT9

                                       Diamond-small QJ2

                                       Club-small AKJ4


The post this week emphasises the importance of right siding contracts if possible and suggests the key to doing so for this hand is to either to have been playing a strong no trump and using transfers, or be playing transfer responses after a 1Club-small opening.

There is at least a third possibility for those that play a wider 1NT range other than 12 - 14 HCP to right side the contract for this particular hand and that is to play 4 or 5 card major non promissory relay stayman (refer Wikipedia) that is used to primarily determine the shape of the 1NT opening hand but also allows ability to transfer to right side contract for some hands. While we use a variation of 5M NPR Stayman with a wider HCP than most it could also be used for a Precision 13 to 15 HCP 1NT opening for this board.

For this hand our bidding would be:


North          East         South       West

-                  Pass        1NT1       Pass

2Club-small2.            Pass.        2Diamond-small3        Pass

2Heart-small            Pass.        2Spade-small5          Pass

2NT6            Pass         3Club-small7         Pass

3Diamond-small8            Pass.         3Heart-small9        Pass

4Spade-small10.         Pass           Pass      Pass


1.        12 - 19 HCP 7 to 8 losers (L) May have 5 Major

2.         <= 8 L 5M NPR Stayman

3.         No 4 or 5 Major

4.         <= 7 L shape asking relay (SAR)

5.         No 5 card minor

6.         SAR 

7.         4Club-small3Diamond-small3Heart-small3Spade-small 12 total losers

8.         Loser asking Relay

9.         8 L. Therefore from Law of Total Losers 3 - 4 cards higher than J. 14 combined Losers.

10.      Using Rule of 18 (18 - 14 = 4) indicates a 4 level contract is possible. Choose to play in Spade-small rather than Heart-small to right side contract.

Advantage of this approach is that West has less information about North’s hand shape for their opening lead so possibly will be less likely to lead AHeart-small. Disadvantage is that both hands are open books after the opening lead which may have allowed a killing defence to have been found with different EW distribution.

Interestingly for these particular hands the 3 HCP from NS Js are immaterial to NS making 4Spade-small and only encourage the potentially wrong line of finessing for the QSpade-small so 4Spade-small could potentially have been made with 21 HCP.



Started by SEAN LYNCH on 07 Dec 2018 at 09:52PM

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