This week two  board examples were given of not giving up while there is still a chance to make or defend a contract. 

However with different bidding for board 20 should East West be in the making  6Club-small (by West) or 6NT contracts as the cards lie? Should playing Swiss pairs East West be in 3NT (2 pairs played in this contract)?

Can these be bid? Should these be bid?

With our methods we can learn West has 5Club-small3Diamond-small3Diamond-small2Spade-small AClub-smallASpade-small a K and 1 or 2Q 12 -19 HCP 7 losers before making a decision to sign off in 5Spade-small or 5NT or bid on to determine Q situation. If we bid partner shows QDiamond-small and QHeart-small by bidding 6Club-small which is where bidding would stop but it is more likely we would sign off earlier as a lot of things need to be right (including West having JClub-small) to be successful. Unfortunately 6Club-small would be played by East and 1 down on spade lead even if we were so bold.



Started by SEAN LYNCH on 10 Nov 2018 at 01:35AM

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