
I decided to respond to the gradings and tournament survey.

I was redirected to the website: login.allwomantalk.co.nz.

That website describes itself as:

All Woman Talk is an online research panel for New Zealand women set up by Bauer Media

I do not know what is going on here but that looks far from legitimate.

Is this an attempt to find out what nzbridge members want (don't forget, some of us are men) or is it an attempt to harvest email addresees for a marketing company?

I am not impressed.

Started by JOHN O'CONNOR on 28 Nov 2017 at 07:31PM

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  1. GILES HANCOCK29 Nov 2017 at 07:55PM

    It's all OK John.

  2. JOHN O'CONNOR07 Oct 2018 at 12:15AM

    I do not think that it is OK.

    I read their privacy policy which is largely self serving guff allowing them to do whatever they like with any information harvested from their sites. I could not see any indication on their website that indicated that they subscribe to any recognised international privacy and data protection regime. That gives them carte blanch to do whatever they like in respect of cookies and data protection.

    In these days of google, twitter, linkedin and facebook logins, a site such as this can slurp up one heck of a lot of private information just by activating the scripts from those sites to garner identification information,

    Why would nzbridge use such a site and not use a recognised survey provider that is plugged in to global standards of data protection and privacy?

    I write this because I see that there is another survey on this site for congress. I will not be answering that survey.

    Now, I am not a lawyer and I make no claims to be an expert on privacy laws but I do note the following:

    The nzbridge website encourages participatioin in the survey from persons outside of New Zealand.

    Some of these persons may well be covered by EU data protection and privacy laws.

    The allwomentalk website does not appear to be compliant with EU legislation and GDPR laws.

    So, I would ask this question:

    Has nzbridge sought legal advice as to whether or not the use of allwomentalk for a survey that invites submissions from "the New Zealand (and wider) bridge community" is meeting legal obligations?

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