Allocate the blame

Dealer S: EW Vul

P 1D P 1S;

3H 4C P 6C


S:5 2
H: —
D:A K 10 8 6 2
C: A Q 8 7 6

S: A K J 7 4
H: A Q J 10 8
D: 4
C:J 3

Allocate the blame, and/or suggest better bidding.  EW play ACOL with RKCB, Italian Cues.  NS play pre-empts restricted to 2 of top3 honours.

Started by GRAEME THOMSON on 16 Jan 2017 at 12:27PM

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  1. STANLEY ABRAHAMS19 Jan 2017 at 02:33AM

    Clearly EW can make 3NT, vul, but meanwhile can get at least 800 from 3H doubled even though NS are not Vul. I think bidding at the 4 level, 4C, without any indication of a fit in the minors, is asking for trouble, and they received it. You don't clarify the scoring system, but on the assumption it is duplicate, looking for a minor game when East has only bid 1S, showing 6 points, shows a great deal of optomism. IMHO.

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