Declarer play question

I problem from a recent club night that I'd welcome opinion on.  Playing pairs, at all green, how do you play this hand:

JTxx, QJTx, x, QJxx  in dummy

A9xxx, Axx, x, K9xx in hand

I opened 1S as dealer, LHO overcalled 5D, your partner bid 5S, and that eneded the bidding.

LHO led the DA and continued with the DK.

I ruffed in dummy and pitched a club from hand.  Are you okay with that at trick two?

What next?

Started by on 08 Aug 2016 at 01:42PM

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  1. BARRY JONES09 Aug 2016 at 08:12PM

    Hi Scott,

    Well obviously it's not looking good with a  trump a diamond and a club to lose plus maybe a heart so we're just trying to minimise the damage.  I'm an old fashioned boy so I'll play JS next and run it if not covered. What can go wrong ?


  2. 10 Aug 2016 at 07:20PM

    I'm not saying that is wrong, but it could lose to a singleton honour and mean two trump losers when low to the ace is a trick better. That is the choice I guess. If you were in hand you could start with low toward dummy, but that isn't the case this time. 

  3. 10 Aug 2016 at 08:24PM

    Barry, just spotted my typo in the question. Your spades are meant to be A8xxx

    Must have seemed a bit of a silly question. 


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