What should you bid

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2Club-small                  ?

What do you bid holding:

Spade-small QJ94

Heart-small AQJT3

Diamond-small A9

Club-small 65

Your system is 5 card majors, strong 1 NT opening.

Started by RICHARD SOLOMON on 18 Apr 2016 at 10:03AM

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  1. TONY TURNER18 Apr 2016 at 02:44PM

    It seems to be a toss up between 2S and 2NT. Partner promises 8pts and 4C so we may have only 22pts and the rags are poor rags so I prefer 2S.

  2. 19 Apr 2016 at 01:26PM

    2H - It may depend a bit on wht your expectations are of a minimum 2/1, but playing the style I'm used to if partner cannot muster another bid over 2H then even my good heart suit may not be enough to get us to nine tricks.  There is no risk of missing a spade fit when you bid 2H.  If partner is not strong enough to bid 2S over 2H they would have / should have bid 1S in preference to 2C.  as a bouns, if partner now bids 2Nt or the like then we can get to game without signposting a diamond lead.

  3. BILL HUMPHREY20 Apr 2016 at 08:56PM

    2NT...limit my hand. Partner can bid 3Spade-small on way to 3NT or 4Spade-small. May wrong side the Diamond-smalls tho.

  4. STANLEY ABRAHAMS18 May 2016 at 10:56AM

    I have to disagree with some of the comments so far. 

    We are playing a strong NT in the question, therefore the response of a new suit at the 2 level PROMISES 10+ points.

    I know we teach beginners that, even when we are using a weak NT, when we know deep in our hearts (excuse the pun)  that it only promises 8+, but little harm ensues. But using a strong NT, it is mandatory, other wise we can often reach 2NT without the requisite 23 points.

    It appears that some responders have never played a Strong NT, and think the requirements are the same. That is not the case, and for those who are reading this and play a variable NT depending on the vulnerability, please take note.

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