How to cope with interference over 1NT

Board 7 dealer S all vul

                             Spade-small AKT8

                             Heart-small T4

                             Diamond-small AQ

                             Club-small Q9852


                             Spade-small QJ93

                             Heart-small AJ

                             Diamond-small KJT9

                             Club-small J74

 South opens 1NT, West over calls 2 Hearts. Is there some conventional structure to allow us to reach 4 Spades, making 5?


Started by DAVID MOREL on 25 Jun 2021 at 05:07PM

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  1. SEAN LYNCH26 Jun 2021 at 12:33AM

    Type "Interference over 1 no trump lebensohl convention" into google. This also allows double to be retained for penalties.


  2. DAVID MOREL26 Jun 2021 at 05:25AM

    Many thanks.


  3. Scott Smith08 Jul 2021 at 06:26PM

    The simle way on this hand is to play takeout doubles even after our side opens 1NT.  That is a very common treatment amoung top pairs.  The auction would go...

    1. North doubles for takeout (they are balanced enough to be happy if south elects to pass the double because they hold a resonable 4+ card heart suit.  If they are more distributional, say 4162 or the like, so not happy to hear their double passed by partner if their partner has hearts, they could use Leb to show 4S and no stopper).
    2. South bids 2S (you might jump to 3S with a good max but this is not that with so many point concentreated in the doubleton heart).
    3. North raises to 4S (you might try to do something more considerate in case south has bid 2S with only 3, but 4S is fair).

    The flipside to takeout doubles is that to penalise you'd have to pass and hope that the opener will make a takeout double that you can then pass... not as risky as it sounds, as partner will be there for you whenever they can be.

  4. Peter Hawkes21 Dec 2021 at 10:55PM

    There is also Rubensohl  ( sometimes spelled Rubinsohl).

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