Count and Attitude

Playing both - I've been told that if one plays reverse attitude one also needs to play reverse count. 

Does anyone have an opinion about that please?

Started by JENA ROBINSON on 19 Feb 2020 at 07:00PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN20 Feb 2020 at 07:39AM


    Yes I have an opinion  wink

    Theres no logical (or legal)  reason why they should be the same except in the interests of simplicity
    The definition of "reverse" for count is arbitrary anyway

    Personally I prefer to play reverse attitude on partners lead but standard attitude for discards

    Off the subject a bit but that is to allow a non-commital discard

    If I have the King in two suits I want partner to lead the one he has the Queen in
    and not try to guess which one that might be - hence a non-commital (low card) discard



  2. STANLEY ABRAHAMS20 Feb 2020 at 07:08PM

    Count? Who plays Count? Who teaches Count?

    Look at Teaching, Improvers, Lesson 8, 3C. Count? You must be joking?

  3. NICK WHITTEN21 Feb 2020 at 08:04AM


    Stanley I think you mistakenly thought this was the Teaching forum smile

    It is Master Solvers


  4. STANLEY ABRAHAMS21 Feb 2020 at 11:12AM

    Sorry about that, Nick.

    Trying to stay slightly on track, what is your method regarding a Doublton? Do you lead a high one or low one? Do you use the same method if partner is on lead?

    What I see from inexperienced players, is that they play high low from doubltons, yet say they are playing reverse attitude.  I don't really know if that is correct, particularly if they don't play count, and not playing count is very much the norm, where ever I go in NZ.

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