Twenty-three pairs had the chance to bid a 7Heart-small Grand Slam on Board 26 albeit with restricted systems. Five pairs managed to bid 6Heart-small. Could you do better?

Board 26

Dealer E All vulnerable.

                     Spade-small AT872

                     Heart-small QT93

                     Diamond-small 873

                     Club-small A

Spade-small J654                             Spade-small 9

Heart-small 74                                 Heart-small J8

Diamond-small KQ7                              Diamond-small 9642

Club-small K865                             Club-small QJT742

                   Spade-small KQ3

                   Heart-small AK652

                   Diamond-small AJ5

                   Club-small 93


Started by SEAN LYNCH on 27 Apr 2019 at 09:57PM

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  1. SEAN LYNCH27 Apr 2019 at 11:29PM

    Playing a Precision variation suitable for an 8B tournament

    N        E         S         W

               -          1Club-small     -

    1Spade-small     -          1N.     -

    2Heart-small     -          2Spade-small     -

    3Diamond-small     -          3Heart-small    -

    4Club-small     -          4Diamond-small     -

    4Spade-small     -          4N.      -

    5Club-small     -          5Diamond-small     -

    5Heart-small     -          7Heart-small   - 

    -          -


    1Club-small - 16+ HCP any shape

    1Spade-small -  5+Spade-small 8+ HCP

    1N  -  Shape asking relay

    2Heart-small - 5Spade-small4Heart-small

    2Spade-small - SAR

    3Diamond-small - 5Spade-small4Heart-small3Diamond-small1Club-small

    3Heart-small - CROSS ( colour, rank, opposite, same, same )

    4Club-small - 2 key cards same colour

    4Diamond-small - CROSS continuation K ask

    4Spade-small - 0 or 3 K

    4N - CROSS continuation Q ask

    5Club-small - 1 Q

    5Diamond-small - CROSS continuation Q suit ask

    5Heart-small - QHeart-small

    7Heart-small - to play

    South can count 5Spade-small tricks, 5Heart-small tricks, ADiamond-small, AClub-small and a Club-small ruff for 13 tricks provided Spade-small break 3-2 and so bids

    7Heart-small. The key to bidding the 7Heart-small Grand Slam is identifying North’s hand shape and that they have a singleton 





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