Board 19 in the evening session of the Wellington Mixed Pairs provided an uncontested bidding opportunity that none accepted to bid 7NT with 15 tricks available on top. On the day 8 NS pairs managed to bid 6Heart-small with the other 8 pairs in 4Heart-small.

South Dealer EW vulnerable.

                            Spade-small A8

                            Heart-small T2

                            Diamond-small AQT876

                             Club-small AT3

Spade-small J752.                                        Spade-small KQ963

Heart-small 863.                                          Heart-small 95

Diamond-small J.                                              Diamond-small 954

Club-small 97652.                                      Club-small J84

                             Spade-small T4

                             Heart-small AKQJ74

                             Diamond-small K32

                             Club-small KQ


Can you do better ?


Started by SEAN LYNCH on 23 Apr 2019 at 10:54AM

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  1. Brad Johnston23 Apr 2019 at 01:21PM

    A tad unconventional, but who can deny the playing strength of either hand?

    2N 4S; 20-21 balanced // Optional keycard in Ds
    5H 5S; 2 keys, no Q, accepting slam try // King ask
    7N AKQJxx looks like enough

  2. SEAN LYNCH24 Apr 2019 at 08:07AM

    2NT? South only has 18 HCP.

  3. SEAN LYNCH24 Apr 2019 at 09:58AM

    This board fits our system like a glove.

    N.       E.       S.        W

                         1Club-small      -

    2Diamond-small    -          2Heart-small     -

    3Diamond-small    -          3Heart-small     -

    4Club-small    -          4Diamond-small     -

    4Spade-small    -          4N.      -

    5Diamond-small    -          5Heart-small     -

    5Spade-small    -          5N.      -

    6Diamond-small    -          7N.      - 

    -         -     


    1Club-small - <= 6 L 0 - 37 HCP any shape

    2Diamond-small - <= 8 L 5+Diamond-small. No 4M. If only 5Diamond-small will have 4Club-small.

    2Heart-small - Shape asking relay

    3Diamond-small - 6Diamond-small3Club-small2Heart-small2Spade-small 10 total losers

    3Heart-small - Loser asking relay

    4Club-small - 6 L

    4Diamond-small - CROSS (colour, rank, opposite, same, same)

    4Spade-small - 0 or 3 key card

    4N - CROSS continuation K ask

    5Diamond-small - 0 or 3 K

    5Heart-small - CROSS continuation Q ask

    5Spade-small - 1 Q

    5N  - Q suit ask

    6Diamond-small - QDiamond-small

    7N - to play


    After North’s hand shape, 10 total losers, and 6 losers are revealed then from the rule of 18 a Grand Slam appears possible with North having 3 or 4 cards higher than a J from law of total losers. After North shows 3 A and QDiamond-small South can count 16 tricks on top in NT if Diamond-small and Heart-small break or 13 tricks if either Diamond-small or Heart-small breaks so bids 7NT.

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