In the afternoon session there were a couple of opportunities to bid Grand Slams: board 9 and board 15. Not one pair managed to bid the 7Diamond-small or 7Heart-small Grand Slam available on Board 9 and only 4 out of 21 bid managed to bid a Grand Slam on Board 15 (3 bid 7Spade-small and 1 bid 7NT).

Board 9 Dealer N EW vulnerable

                     Spade-small AJT

                     Heart-small Q83

                     Diamond-small AKQJ532

                     Club-small -

Spade-small Q8.                                      Spade-small 976543

Heart-small T96.                                     Heart-small J5

Diamond-small T876.                                   Diamond-small 9

Club-small JT63.                                    Club-small AK85

                    Spade-small K2

                    Heart-small AK742

                    Diamond-small 4

                    Club-small Q9742


Board 15

                 Spade-small AJ954

                  Heart-small AQ7

                  Diamond-small K4


Started by SEAN LYNCH on 21 Apr 2019 at 10:34PM

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  1. SEAN LYNCH21 Apr 2019 at 10:47PM

                      Club-small A65

    Spade-small T87.                        Spade-small 3

    Heart-small T9532.                    Heart-small J85

    Diamond-small QT.                         Diamond-small J87532

    Club-small 943.                        Club-small QT7

                     Spade-small KQ62

                     Heart-small K4

                     Diamond-small A96

                     Club-small KJ82    

    South Dealer NS vulnerable

    How should board 9 be bid to get to 7Heart-small?

    How should board 15 be bid to get to 7NT?


  2. SEAN LYNCH22 Apr 2019 at 12:17AM

    Board 9:

    Imperspicuity bidding:

    option 1:

    N.       E.      S.       W

    1Club-small     -        1Heart-small    -

    1Spade-small     -         2Club-small   -

    2Diamond-small     -         3Club-small   -

    3Diamond-small     -         4Heart-small   -

    4Spade-small     -         5N.   -

    6Club-small     -         6Diamond-small  -

    7Heart-small     -          -      -


    1Club-small - <= 6 losers (L) 0 - 37 HCP any shape

    1Heart-small - <= 8 L 5+Heart-small

    1Spade-small - Shape asking relay (SAR)

    2Club-small - 5Heart-small4+Club-small

    2Diamond-small - SAR

    3Club-small - 5Heart-small5Club-small 10 total losers

    3Diamond-small - SAR

    4Heart-small - 5Heart-small5Club-small21 5L

    4Spade-small - CROSS

    5N - AHeart-smallKHeart-small

    6Club-small - CROSS continuation  K ask

    6Diamond-small - 1 K

    7Heart-small to play

    1Club-small - <= 6 losers (L) 0 - 37 HCP any shape

    1Heart-small - <= 8 L 5+Heart-small

    1Spade-small - Shape asking relay (SAR)

    2Club-small - 5Heart-small4+Club-small

    After learning South has AHeart-smallKHeart-small and at least 1Diamond-small North can count 13 tricks provided hearts break 3-2 and bids 7Heart-small.

    option 2:

    N.       E.        S.        W

    1Club-small     -         1Heart-small      -

    1Spade-small     -         2Club-small      -

    2Heart-small     -         3Heart-small      -

    3Spade-small    -          4Diamond-small      -

    4N.    -           6Club-small     -

    7Heart-small   -           -          -


    1Club-small - <= 6 L 0 - 37 HCP any shape

    1Heart-small - <= 8 L 5+ Heart-small

    1Spade-small - SAR

    2Club-small - 5Heart-small4+Club-small

    2Heart-small - asking bid Heart-small

    3Heart-small - AQ or AKHeart-small

    3Spade-small - asking bid Spade-small

    4Diamond-small - 2nd round control K or singleton

    4N - CROSS

    6Club-small- AKHeart-small

    7Heart-small to play

    After finding South has 5Heart-small North starts asking bid sequence. After finding South has AKHeart-small North can count 13 tricks if hearts break 3-2 and checks if South has AClub-small before bidding 7Heart-small.

  3. SEAN LYNCH22 Apr 2019 at 01:16AM

    Board 15:

    Imperspicuity bidding:

    N.      E.      S.      W

                       1Club-small    -

    1Spade-small    -        1N.     -

    2Club-small    -        2Diamond-small    -

    2Spade-small    -        2N.     -

    3Club-small    -        3Diamond-small     -

    3N.    -        4Club-small      -

    4Heart-small    -        4Spade-small     -

    4N.     -        5Club-small     -

    5Diamond-small    -         5Heart-small     -

    6Diamond-small    -         6Heart-small    -

    6N.    -          7N.    - 

    -        -          -

    where :

    1Club-small - <= 6 L 0 - 37 HCP any shape

    1Spade-small - <= 8 L 5+Spade-small

    1N - SAR

    2Club-small - 5Spade-small332 <= 7 L or 5Spade-small4+Club-small <= 8 L

    2Diamond-small - SAR

    2Spade-small - 5Spade-small332 <=  L 11 total losers

    2N - SAR

    3Club-small - 5Spade-small3Club-small2Diamond-small3Heart-small

    3Diamond-small - Loser asking relay (LAR)

    3N - 5 L

    4Club-small - CRO

    4Heart-small - 0 or 3 A

    4Spade-small - CRO continuation K ask

    4N - 1 K

    5Club-small - CRO continuation Q ask

    5Diamond-small - 1 Q

    5Heart-small -  suit of K ask

    6Diamond-small - K Diamond-small

    6Heart-small - suit of Q ask

    6N - Q Heart-small

    7N to play

    After North shows a 5Spade-small3Club-small3Heart-small2Diamond-small 5L hand South knows from the rule of 18 a possible Grand Slam is possible in Spade-small or NT. After North shows 3 A, KDiamond-small and QHeart-small South knows that both 7Spade-small and 7NT depend on the Club-small finesse. To get the extra 10 pts in pairs if South decides to take risk to bid Grand Slam then they should bid 7NT to also eliminate any potential ruff in Club-small if suit broke 6-0.



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