Grading sections

Hello to all directors who can see this: 

We are (finally) separating the sections in 2017 according to players'grades.  Meaning that we are creating a "junior/beginner" section in ou club and other grades will play in another section.  Any "non junior" player will not be able to play in the "junior section" as they have done in the past. 

We have already received some "rumors" about players saying they will sit in the junior section anyway!

How would you treat this in your club please?...Do we tell them to go home? or remove them verbally? or someone suggested we don't distribute boards on the "desobedient " table...

We have been discussing doing this for many years now...and we finally took the bull by the horn and did it. Our juniors are very happy about this and they are some 75% of our members.

Send me your thoughts please..

Helene Labreche


Started by HELENE LABRECHE on 03 Dec 2016 at 02:19PM

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  1. GRAEME THOMSON07 Dec 2016 at 12:39PM

    Hi Helene

    PNBC has gone, for 2017, in the diametrically opposite direction under the principle that people should be able to play on a night "with whoever they like whenever they like".  In the past, apparently, someone who was deemed too good for night X was told they had to play on night Y.  Result= stops playing or shifts to our friendly neighbour just down the road (Hokowhitu).  "Competition" does help focus on what is optimal, albeit we even advertise Hoko on our web site so not sure how truly competitive we are!  Monthly events are graded, so eg while our highest graded players are welcome to play on any night, they may not be eligible to win the month event.  We have four grades (bronze, silver, gold, platinum.  Anyone can win an event on Open night.  On Multi-Grade night a Gold (but not Platinum) can win most months(ex Champs) if playing with a Silver/Bronze.

    Strictly speaking we have one night which is really a training/social room post beginners lessons where Platinum/Gold can only play if mentoring a Bronze.  Probably could easily dispense with that restriction as it is pretty needless.  Nobody cares if a couple of Silvers drop in for some pre tourney practice. If u have the numbers for such a room (or section) I think it would be helpful to the newbies.

  2. Ed Roggeveen10 Dec 2016 at 11:55AM

    Hi Helene

    I could be wrong,  and I'd appreciate being corrected (with evidence) if I am, but I don't think you are allowed to exclude players from a session of club bridge. You can have rules in place about who is eligible for prizes and you can have system restrictions in place but saying to people you can't play because you are too good seems to be breaking the rules (different for NZB sanctioned tournaments of course).

    That aside I personally think it is a bad idea - how on earth do juniors get better if they only play against those of similar ability?



  3. NEIL HEARN12 Dec 2016 at 04:06PM

    Hi Helen

    Our club (Dargaville) is so small with around 6 to 8 tables that we can't have different sessions for different grades.

    I actually think that it is of great benefit for junior players to play with and against open players. It is certainly a steep learning curve for beginners, but we insist that beginners are treated kindly. I really think that it is hard to imrove unless you play against people better than yourself and take every opportunity available to quiz rhem on the game

    I can still remember 1st starting 12 years ago playing with one our best players. Me 1NT, partner 2C, me 3C, partner, wry grin - pass



    Neil Hearn

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