Precision 2 club and 2 diamond response

A common precision sequence is 2 club opening with 2 diamond response.

2 clubs shows 11-15 hcp and 6 clubs or 5 clubs plus 4 of a major. 2 diamond response is relay asking for opener to show details of hand – strength and shape. Partner is forced to respond (unless interference).

I play the 2 diamond bid with no minimum point count, but, if weak, I can field any response from opener. Maybe a sacrifice.

Question has been raised as to whether the (maybe) weak 2 diamond bid is legal. Mixed replies. Some say OK if explained in system card and any alert query explanation. Others say it is an illegal Psyche, citing books showing 2 diamond must have 11 points.

Can I use it in open tournaments?

Started by RANALD DUCAT on 20 Sep 2016 at 12:37PM

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  1. 22 Sep 2016 at 03:27PM

    I believe that you are not allowed to psyche an artificial bid such as a Precision 1 Club opening. If your 2 Diamond response promised a certain range then I think it would not be legal to psyche 2 Diamonds. However if your bid is alerted as forcing with no set values i believe that is OK.

  2. 06 Oct 2016 at 04:16PM

    Hi Ranald

    It is an interesting question.

    My thought was the same as Michael's - it is your agreement, not a psyche at all, so fine provided you alert and explain if asked.

    I had a look at the system regs, and it seems to allow you to play at an intermediate tournament a "2D enquiry response to Precision 2C opening".  Yours may not qualify as that, but I can see no like restriction for open tournaments - it appears you can play whatever repsonses you like.  If there is a restriction I think that is the place to look, the system regs, not the psyche rules.

    Your question reminded me of a war story from years ago, before we had silly psyche restrictions (and before I grew up a bit).  I was playing a pairs event with a semi-regular partner.  We had just been taught a complicated jump shift method where all JS showed the suit you bid, and one of three particular hand types, all of which were strong.  The opener then relays with the suit above, and the repsonder defines.  Partner opened a club, and I was looking at very useless hand with 7 spades and short hearts.  I had a "brainwave".  I jump shifted showing hearts, ready to pass my partner's relay of 2S.  How clever I was.  But instead of bidding 2S like he was meant to my partner bid 6NT.  That got doubled.  I had forgotten that we were playing a speedball tournament.  My partner was just trying to save time, but as least he saw the funny side of it.



  3. NICK WHITTEN07 Oct 2016 at 04:11PM


    If such a 2D bid is illegal then so is "Garbage Stayman"

    Surely its not illegal to bid 2C with a 4450 0-count and pass any response from partner?

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