Different Session-Same Boards

 Hi All.

I have just been advised that today our club played exaclty the same boards as last Tuesday. Both sessions are part of a 6 round competition with the same partner. Howell movement both sessions and at least one pair would have been sitting in the same position.

I wasn't present today but have been asked what to do as I am the club's only qualified director

Let results stand or cancel? Advice please

Started by NEIL HEARN on 26 Jul 2016 at 05:50PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN28 Jul 2016 at 09:09AM


    I think it has to be cancelled

    The only exception might be if it was predominantly lower grade players who would be unlikely to remember any of the hands (but players can get an advantage in those circumstances without realising it) 

    The sub-conscious works in funny ways.

    Nick Whitten

  2. NEIL HEARN28 Jul 2016 at 04:31PM

    Thanks Nick. That those were my thoughts. I rang a national diector yesterday, in his opinion there was no option other than cancelling the results, so that is what I have done

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