Bidding out of turn


Greetings Directors

Could you please help me on this one as I've looked in the most complicated book in the bridge world and cannot find the answer.

South is Dealer and passes.

East then passes

South is given the option to accept East's pass but does not

What happens next please?

Many thanks





Started by ANGELA ROYLE on 19 Jul 2016 at 08:30PM

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  1. PETER BOWYER20 Jul 2016 at 05:52PM
    When Call out of Rotation not accepted- Law 29.A
    The call reverts to the player whose turn it was to call - 29.B.
    Then Law 30 applies - Pass Out of Rotation - B2 (a) & B2 (b)
    The offender must pass whenever it is his turn to call.
    Offenders partner may make any sufficient bid or pass but may not double or redouble at that turn.
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