Mobile Phones in Club Play

Does item 14 on Page D33 in the NZ Bridge Manual  - Tournament Regulations banning/penalising the use of Mobile Phones cover club play too or do clubs have to make a local rule?

Started by PETER BOWYER on 18 Jul 2016 at 04:43PM

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  1. HELENE LABRECHE26 Oct 2016 at 07:50PM

    Hi Peter, As far as I understand, these regulations seem to be just for tournaments:

    p.D14- see definition of "tournament"

    p.D15- I 1: Introduction  and 1.1 paragraph

    At the club level, we warn players to turn their phone off...and we rarely have an issue.  We never discussed applying para. 14 either.

    At tournaments, I have been witness to a few  "purses" ringing...and director warning about it...( and by the way, rarely does any culprit go to their purse,.) but I have yet to have been aware of any penalty applied in these case.

    I do not read any text that says that if applies to clubs...but with this p.D33, clubs probably could...

    Very sensisitive matter in this day and age.!



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