Changing seats

Is there any rule or policy about what happens when a pair  accidently swap seating positions part way through a sesion?   East sits and bids West's cards and vica versa.



Started by GRAHAM MCLAUCHLAN on 01 Jul 2016 at 05:04PM

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  1. Ed Roggeveen11 Jul 2016 at 02:09PM

    A search of the Law Book and Manual came up empty for me so I'll say no. It is common for a board to be put on the table upside down and there is no issue with this so I don't see the difference.

  2. ROBIN YOUNG14 Jul 2016 at 12:13PM

    Yes there is a rule - Law 5A. This states that a compass direction may only be changed in a session with the instrustion or permission of the director. The key word is accidently - if the director notices, you can expect to be told to shift back.

    Many years ago my partner demanded that we change seats (as E she didn't want to look at the wall!). The dircetor was wide awake and immediately told her to go back to her correct seat.

    Robin Young


  3. GRAHAM MCLAUCHLAN14 Jul 2016 at 03:35PM

    Man thanks - thatclears it up nicely


    Graham McLauchlan

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