Fouled board in Teams


Hi everybody


I’m trying to get a handle on how to deal with fouled board(s) in Teams


If a table discovers they have played a fouled board before their other table has played it

Then the other table also plays the board in the same (fouled) state

No problem, except that will upset the Butler rankings (does that matter??)


Otherwise when they can’t get a result, and neither pair is at fault, they are supposed to get an “average +” which means the overall score, for BOTH sides, should be improved by 3 IMPs.

That means, say the result, excluding the fouled board, was 20-10 the winners should have their margin increased to 13 and the losers reduced to -7.

Is this correct??

Or should the adjustment be in VPs rather than IMPs (given that the IMPs difference converts to more VPs in a close match than in a more one-sided one)?



What if a pair which played the UNfouled board got a particularly good (or bad) result?

Should an allowance be made for that?
And if so by what formula?


Any comments / suggestions / corrections would be useful



Started by NICK WHITTEN on 15 Jul 2024 at 11:28AM

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