RB games criteria

Hi to .all,  I would like to know if a Club can determine the systems that are allowed on their RB games ( online)

Can a CLub also determine if Psychs are allowed or not at specific games ?

For ex:  Can a CLub forbid the use of Yellow Systems at any particular game. (HUM) ?

Thank you for your input

Helene Labreche

East Coast Bays Bridge Club




Started by HELENE LABRECHE on 31 May 2024 at 10:43AM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN02 Jun 2024 at 09:39PM


    Hi Helene

    As far as I am aware (which might not be very far – so I stand to be corrected)

    The same rules apply to on-line and f2f bridge

    There was a “Guide to on-line bridge” issued last year I think
    I can’t lay my hands on it right now but, from memory, it only said what was flaming obvious and could be summarised in two words: “Don’t cheat”


    Clubs are not allowed to ban all psyches, except they may restrict (or ban) psyches of artificial bids (which NZB does) See Law 40B2(v)


    As for what systems may be used at what level that is in the Manual
    But I understand clubs MAY apply further restrictions provided contestants are aware of such restriction from the start (which means making that clear on the tournament poster).

    [I was involved in an interesting situation on this issue 3 years ago (don’t think its worth going into detail here)]


    I hope this is some help
    and if anyone sees anything wrong here please reply indicating how you see it


    Nick Whitten

  2. GILES HANCOCK10 Jun 2024 at 01:38PM




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