Bid not alerted interpreted as conventional.

Your advice on the following would be welcomed.

The bidding sequence is as follows:

S (Dealer)          W             N           E

 PASS               (1S)        PASS      (2H)

 PASS                2S           2NT*     (PASS)

 3D*                  PASS       


*Not alerted

**5-5-2-1 and 7 hcps


When questioned at close of bidding South claimed that (a) He took his partner’s 2NT as a conventional 2NT overcall (b) he felt he could not alert the call as there was no partnership agreement. Has any infraction occurred here?

Kevin Juventin

Started by Kevin Juventin on 09 Mar 2023 at 02:11PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN10 Mar 2023 at 08:23PM


    I think South should alert whenever unsure of the agreement or unsure if a specific agreement actually exists
    And if asked should say "we don't have..." or "I'm not sure of..." "an agreement"

    However, (and I could be wrong here) I believe such a use of a NT overcall to show minors (or anything other than a strong natural bid)  is so commonplace it would be hard to justify an adjustment to EW if they missed out on bidding a higher contract  fearing North had a lot of points

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