Law 30: Pass out of turn

Hello, I have a question about how to rule this properly at the table when it occurs:

Dealer is E. , W opens 2NT ( 20-22 bal) out or rotation. LHO does not accept.  My understanding is that the W call is cancelled and it reverts to E.  E opened "2S" ( weak).  S passes and my view was that W now has to make a "Comparable call" . W called 3NT.

But what about the UI given to E now...

We would like some guidance on how to rule this at the table please.

Thank you

Helene Labreche,



Started by HELENE LABRECHE on 23 Jul 2022 at 09:41PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN24 Jul 2022 at 08:24AM

    This is how I see it, Helene, but would welcome comments from any more savvy directors

    There is no comparable call available for West so East will always have to pass one round
    So UI doesn't come into the picture here (unless (highly unlikely) EW end up defending and the knowledge of West's points is critical to the defence)

    But note West's out-of-turn 2NT is UI to East who may not distort the opening to make it easier for partner to select the contract
    It would pay to check (without looking like a policeman) East's 2S opening is "normal" 

  2. HELENE LABRECHE25 Jul 2022 at 12:55PM

    Correction on my post:  THe title should have been "Bid out of Rotation"....

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