Alert Practices
Having recently returned to NZ after many years overseas, we are delighted to be playing in Bridge Clubs and Tournaments. I have always been a proud Kiwi when it comes to NZ Bridge, the level of play, the facilities and creative way things are done in this country.
We are however struggling somewhat with alert requirements and at times, when we query the lack of an alert, we are told this is ACOL and therefore, does not require an alert at Club Level Bridge.
The recently updated 2C restriction is confusing but understandable, we simply alert our 2C openings and describe it as GF 22+ or a distributional, strong hand. My question is regarding the follow ups, I believe 2D (waiting) is not alertable but everything else is?
In response to our 2C opening we play 2H artificial , denying A or K. (alerted)
2D “waiting” unlimited - also alerted.
What alerts to 2C openings can we expect from players here?
Also, Multi 2D can cause a bit of a headache, but we are getting smarter. :)
Is there any situation where pass would require an alert in this situation? 2D* (X) Pass
Thank you
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- NICK WHITTEN19 Apr 2021 at 02:07PM
Hi Kathryn
It sure is confusing
This is from Section 29.2.4 in the current Manualthe following bids are in such common use that they are deemed to be self-alerting
2♣ game force opening bids (and 2♦ negative responses); alert other uses
These calls carry their own alert and should not be alerted.
So do you alert or do you not???
Also exasperatingly confusing is the Manual’s use of the term “game force” to mean not game force but extremely strong (as defined by the rule of 29)
(Its Ok for Shakespeare to say “Juliet is the Sun” but metaphors have no place in Bridge regulations)
To answer your specific questions (this is my best guess so stand to be corrected)
If you open 2C alert unless it will ALWAYS meet the rule of 29
Don’t alert the 2D response if by your methods it is weak showing 0-7 or similar
But if 2D is a waiting bid and could be stronger then alert.
Any artificial response like your 2H must be alerted
A pass must be alerted if it conveys any extra information (such as a minimum number of diamonds in your example)
- Kathryn Shannon21 Apr 2021 at 06:50AM
Thanks Nick.
Further to this, are our opponents required to alert their follow ups to 2C, other than 2D weak, as above? - NICK WHITTEN21 Apr 2021 at 09:27AM
If the bid is artificial (that is has a meaning other than willingness to play in the denomination named in the bid) then it should be alerted
Otherwise no alert is required
(the requirement for natural bids to be alerted if the strength is significantly different than what would be excected doesn't apply here - they are always strong)
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