No longer Red !

 Previous to the 2016 Regulations  any pair which used  a 2NT opneing bid which denoted 5/5 in the minors , were obligerd to classify their bidding system as Red .

This has now been changed , and  such a 2NT opening bid would still allow the pair to classify their system as Green .

 See Page D45 of the 2016 Manual .

 Go green ! 



Started by ALLAN JOSEPH on 08 Apr 2016 at 07:10AM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN28 Apr 2016 at 09:57PM

    Does that mean it can be used at Junior tournament?

    (Sorry I don't have easy access to the manual right now to look it up myself :)


    Or is it "green but forbidden at Junior" like multi 2c/2d openings?




  2. GILES HANCOCK28 Apr 2016 at 11:47PM

    A slight diversion.  Can someone please explain why there is a sticker/dot on the System Card AND checkboxes for each colour ?


  3. NICK WHITTEN29 Apr 2016 at 08:28AM


    For people who are colour-blind or illiterate (but not both :)

  4. GILES HANCOCK29 Apr 2016 at 09:51AM

    Fair enough.   But then why not just put a big letter in the dot - G  B  R  or Y

    Or why not do away with the dot altogether and just put a coloured letter ?   cool


  5. PETER BROCKWAY29 Apr 2016 at 11:34AM

    To answer Nick's question, it would appear that it is green and allowed.

    Specifically 24.6d (pD45) defines green systems as "all natural systems ... Openings ... or a 2NT opening bid must be weak and show at least 5 cards in either minor and at least 4 cards in the other minor".  24.2a (pD42) allows all green systems at Junior tournaments with a note specifically excluding multi 2C and multi 2D.  There is no such note forbidding the newly greened 2NT.

    But oddly (perhaps) 24.2b contains the following about blue systems at these tournaments: "Note 2: A 2NT opening must show a strong hand with no singleton or void."  This is despite the fact that blue systems may, in general, contain "any conventions / treatments categorised as Green." (24.6e pD46).  It don't know if it's intentional but the letter of the law would suggest you can't, at these tournaments, have the weak 2NT alongside a strong 1C or 1D.

  6. PETER BROCKWAY29 Apr 2016 at 11:48AM

    Further to this there seems to be some inconsistency with the regulations (24.2 and 24.6) and the table on pD50 which allows the weak 2NT at intermediate tournaments only.

  7. NICK WHITTEN01 May 2016 at 05:22PM


    So weak 5-5 2NT is Ok with Green but not with Blue

    Thats interesting!


    With Blue you have an alternative for opening a "normal" 2NT (1C)

    With Green you don't (except for multi which is illegal in Junior)


    So a weak 2NT is only permitted if theres no other (legal or sensible) way to open a normal 2NT

    Thats interesting!




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