2016 Manual

Hello all fellow directors .

 The 2016  NZ Bridge Manual has been printed and is available on this site under Resources .


 There is  are a number of very interesting  new documents, including 

  • Rules for National  Rubber Bridge Competition
  • General Tournament Regulations
  • Code of Conduct 

You can also purchase  a copy of the manual  for $23  plus packaging and postage .

 Is it worth $23 ?

If you say Yes , I'll be pleased .smile

 If you say No ,you probably havent read it .cool.

Best wishes with your directing 

 Allan Joseph

Started by ALLAN JOSEPH on 06 Apr 2016 at 05:50PM

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  1. PETER BOWYER07 Apr 2016 at 04:29AM

    Hi Allan
    Good to see your post - and "Yes" I've (skimmed) read the Manual so that's 1 smile for you!
    Best regards
    Peter Bowyer

  2. GILES HANCOCK07 Apr 2016 at 01:43PM

    Hi Allan, Peter

    Are there any major changes in the new manual (apart from the new areas) ?

    cheers, Giles

    8 Diamondstongue-out

  3. ALLAN JOSEPH07 Apr 2016 at 11:38PM

    Hello Giles .

    The present Regulations Sub Committee , Murray Wiggins ,Chief  Director , Arie Geursen ( Chair  NZ Bridge ) and myself  have attempted to  " restructure" the manual  for easier reference .

    Part A     Administration

    Part B     Directing  

    Part  C    Tournament Organization 

    Part D    Tournamentt Regulations 

    Part E      Masterpoint Manual


    If I were to suggest to fellow directors  a good place to start , I would suggest  Tournament  Regulations 

    ( pages D10 to D 40 ) . Lots of new stuff here .

     Happy reading

     Allan  .


  4. DALE LACEY08 Apr 2016 at 07:14AM

    Just to let you know that the link to "new documents" doesn't work.

  5. ALLAN JOSEPH08 Apr 2016 at 11:32AM

    Hello Dale ,

     It has been pointed out to me that if I underline something it suggests a link.

     Ha !  A trap for the less computer skilled -  there is no link ! 

    I will be careful not to underline things from now .

     Learning all the time .


  6. HELENE LABRECHE08 Apr 2016 at 08:46PM

    Hi Allan, I think it is the most useful one I have read so far...wonderful! I went through it and explained it  to my directors...

    It is worth a lot more than $23!...we really get it cheap...considering all the work put into this.

    Well done! I love these new sections...they are so much more helpful to directors.


    Helene Labreche

    East Coast Bays Bridge Club


  7. HELENE LABRECHE26 Oct 2016 at 07:56PM

    Hi Alan, I am a bit late...just having a wee browse aroung the forum...not sure I answered you in the other format...

    BUt the Manual is extremely valuable..as far as I am concerned...Laws are very "legalistic" and the manual helps to interprete them.

    I read all of it, put stickies here and there and made a "fast Index" for our directors at the club to find "quickly" the most common issues..

    Every director at our club has one...and there is one for the Table in case...Great value for the price!

    I just love it!



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