Hi Guys

I had an issue the other night. I was called to a table where the bidding had gone

1NT    X(alerted)     X

The alerted double was 15 - 16 HCP and 5S.

I had never experienced this before.

Nevertheless I applied law 16B. The offender then passed and his partner must pass.

As the alerted double shows a suit and some HCP, Is my ruling correct.

Started by COLIN BRAY on 19 Oct 2019 at 01:39PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN19 Oct 2019 at 09:42PM

    Hi Colin

    Law 36 covers any inadmissable double

    Basically the offender may bid anything legal but partner must pass throughout

    As with any withdrawn call there also may be:

    [1]     lead restrictions (law 26B) if the offending side becomes defenders


    [2]    adjustment if the offender might have been aware of potential damage at the time of his illegal double  (Law 72C)



  2. COLIN BRAY20 Oct 2019 at 07:26AM

    sorry, I mistyped  I meant 36B.

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