fouled board (twice)

After a board was played once, the cards were returned to the board incorrectly (they were now all 90 degrees).

This was now played at the next 2 tables when the error was discovered.

They were instructed to put the cards back into their correct pockets.

However when they "corrected" the board the NS hands were put in their correct pockets but the EW hands were inadvertantly switched.

This was played at the next 2 tables before this error was again discovered.

As there was a playing director, he instructed the cards to be put back into all their correct pockets and play continued.

So there were 10 tables and at tables 4 & 5 the board was fouled and played.

At tables 2 & 3 the board was fouled (differently) and played,

Tables 1, and 6 - 10 played the board correctly.

My question is, how do you now match point this board correctly? (without worrying about any procedural penalties)

Started by RAY CROWE on 18 Feb 2019 at 09:54AM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN19 Feb 2019 at 12:05PM


    Hi Raymond

    There is a section in the Manual (which I don't have immediate access to) on fouled boards (but I doubt if it covers this scenario smile)

    The formula for two tables playing (the same) fouled board is

    Higher score gets 55%
    Lower score gets 45%
    With adjustments of +10% if in no way at fault, and -10% for pairs responsible for the fouling (no adjustment for partially at fault (like not detecting the fouling when they would have been expected to)

    I would do the same for both sets of 2 tables which played the same cards

    I believe the scoring software automatically adjusts the MPs for the 6 tables who played the corrrect board
    (That would explain the number of fractional MPs you see in the X_Club results)
    Although I stand to be corrected there


  2. GILES HANCOCK19 Feb 2019 at 12:19PM



    The first fouling can be rectified with arrow-switches of the pairs.    These results will still be part of the main scoring.


    The East-West swapping has to be separated, and as Nick says manually score the results as 55%-45%, and add a 10% indemnity to the pairs not at fault.   The pairs who first played it fouled and didn't notice shouldn't receive the indemnity.


    NZB Manual page D69


    (b) For 1, 2 or 3 fouled tables:
    1 50%
    2 55% 45%
    3 60% 50% 40%
    (i) Tie Pairs share the difference.
    (ii) Pairs in no way at fault receive an indemnity of 10% and the provisions of Law 88 apply if their score for the session was greater than awarded here.
    (iii) A Pair partially to blame receives no increase (failure to detect a fouled board puts a Pair partially at fault).
    (iv) A Pair responsible receives a penalty of 10%.



    Law 88 is now under Law 12C.

    Basically, if a pair receives 55% but score more in the overall session, they get the session score for this board(s).   And for less than 45%.





  3. NICK WHITTEN19 Feb 2019 at 04:31PM


    I believe Compass (and likely other scoring packages) does any "Law 88" adjustmant automatically

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