We will just ask.

Playing a form of Precision I make a point of pre-alerting the bids that are different to standard Precision. EG. 1C = 15+. I also mention our 2D is both majors less than an opening hand because many people assume an alerted 2D is a multi. Pretty much my pre-alerts run to 5 statements. I also always have a system card on the table, as does my partner.

My question is: how do others deal with being interrupted with "It's OK, we will just ask"?



Started by SHARON MOSLEY on 27 Aug 2018 at 06:16PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN29 Aug 2018 at 11:28AM

    Hi Sharon

    I would discourage the practice of saying "we will just ask" as there is potential unauthorised information if there is an alerted call and they DON'T ask

    It is Ok IMO to ask even if it has just been described in the pre-alerts
    Few people can remember everything in the pre-alerts

    But to answer your question I would stop the pre-alerts immediately if they say that
    And if the opponents are damaged after not asking about an alerted call I wouldn't expect any director to compensated them 


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