number of boards played

I am the only qualified director in the club but am at present on holiday . I am concerned that the club is not playing correct number of boards for C points. While I have been away there has been a new ruling made by the committee to finish at a certain time and all boards not played at that stage to be entered as not played. Also there is a ruling if last board in set is not started by 3 minute mark it is not to be played. With 3.5 tables: 1 pair plays 22 boards, 1 pair plays 20 boards, 3 pairs play 18 boards, 2 pairs play 17 boards because they were too slow to play last board in a set. On some other nights it seems not even 20 boards are being played.  I am thinking that this maybe should not be qualifying for full C points. Would be interested to hear others thoughts, about it 

Started by ELEANOR BRADSHAW on 05 Aug 2018 at 06:14PM

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  1. NEIL HEARN08 Aug 2018 at 05:24PM

    Hi Eleanor

    Being the only qualified director is a bit of a pain, I know the feeling

    The NZ Bridge manual states that if less than 20 boards are played then the available C points are halved


    Neil Hearn


  2. ELEANOR BRADSHAW08 Aug 2018 at 06:02PM

    Yes I already read that. The thing is, if only 1 or 2 pairs play at least 20 boards does that qualify for full C points?

  3. ROBIN YOUNG09 Aug 2018 at 12:43PM


    Full C points are awarded when 20+ boards are IN PLAY.

    If  any table does not play a board due to slow play, yes not played is entered at the table. But after scores have been uploaded into scorer an artificial adjusted score is awarded on any board not played at a table. the director decides whether the award is 60%, 50%, or 40% to each pair.

    Law 12C2

    A board cannot be left in scorer as unplayed; an adjusted score must be awarded.

    Robin Young

  4. ELEANOR BRADSHAW09 Aug 2018 at 06:36PM

    Well thanks for that Robin. Then it seems like a lot of our players are being disadvantaged as no adjustment scoring is done. Boards are just not played. One night there were 28 boards in play most pairs played 18 or less as 10 boards were left not played with only one pair playing 20 boards as the 2 boards everyone else missed were in their 8 unplayed boards. This all seems rather wrong to me.

  5. NEIL HEARN10 Aug 2018 at 09:46AM

    Hi Eleanor

    I'm pleased that Robin cleared that up for us.

    One of your posts mentioned that during one session 28 boards were in play. That intriqued me. I did a bit of research. That session was on 1st August where you had a 4 table Howell movement. I thought that with a 4 table Howell 3 board rounds would give you 21 boards. 

    as per

    We have just finished our Welcome Pairs series where  this years learners were playing for the 1st time. We didn't have the timer on, no one was hurried on and we played 20 boards between 7 and 10pm.We normally play 27 boards an evening finishing around 10.20pm and I know that we are not the fastest club around, 

    Maybe your members need a gentle hurry up



  6. GILES HANCOCK12 Aug 2018 at 09:16PM

    NZB Manual page E11

    2.1.2 Minimum number of deals
    To qualify for the maximum award of 40 C Points, at least 20 deals must be in circulation per session. If between 11 and 19 deals inclusive are played, "C" Points are awarded at half the Basic Table, with any fraction being rounded upwards.


    Implicit in this regulation, IMHO, is that it is a reasonable movement, and that comparisons are achieved on at least 20 boards.   But it doesn't require every player to complete 20 boards.


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