Dealer:E vul: none

the hands:North:S AK89,H T32 D 5 CT9754

                 East  S765  H A76 D KQ743 C K8

                 SouthSQJT HK2 D AJ962 CA32

                 West S 932 H QJ985 DT8 CQJ6

East opened 1NT(12-14).South bid's 2D, alerted and explained as:"the majors"(Cappelletti).South winced and North realises his partner has forgotten the system. Pass from West ,North bid's 2 Spades, therequired response according to their agreements.East bid's 3D ,All Pass.

two down. East calls the director.

What is your ruling.

Should North be made to to the ethical thing and bid Spades.

Started by Adrian De Mooij on 27 Aug 2017 at 02:07PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN29 Aug 2017 at 10:39AM


    This is my view (but prepared for any National director to shoot me down tongue-out

    No rectification called for

    Wrong bid is not an infraction

    North has not been influenced by the UI he may have received

    South possibly has supporting partners spades as a logical alternative (as he has good support for what he is required to believe about partners hand) but pass is Ok given his good diamonds. Good for defending and he has been warned the diamond length won't be a source of tricks if declaring in spades.

    EW did Ok any way (East -100 in 3D is better for them than -140 for N making 3S)




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