Beginners lesson 3A Slide 16

Partner opens 1H.

You have:

S Q53 H K86 D A632 C K87

The slide says "No fit in hearts ... with 10-12 points …. MUST bid 2NT"

OK, we haven't covered new suit bids yet. But surely by bidding 2NT we are giving away our oppoertunity of finding a 5-3 heart fit? So the better bid is 2D? Am I missing something here?

Started by Nick Mein on 24 Jun 2022 at 02:44PM

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  1. GILES HANCOCK27 Jun 2022 at 02:02PM

    Yep, this is a poor example.   The hearts should be Kx doubleton, with another club.

    But there's really no reason to ever bid 1H - 2NT without opps intervention.

    - Giles

  2. LANCE BOWDEN23 Mar 2024 at 09:28PM

    I cross out the NT responses other than 1NT as the bid of last resort. There is always a 2 level bid to show 10+ points.

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