Beginners lesson 5A2B

Hmmm .... looks as though my first attempt to post this didn't work! Maybe putting a single quote and a forward slash in the title wasn't such a great idea. Anyway ...


One of our learners has pointed out an apparent discrepency between the Notes and the Powerpoint presentation.

The Notes say:

5C/5D - 16+ HCP game values with good 6 card suit

But the Powerpoint says (slide 17):

12+ points ... bid your 6 card minor at the 5 level.

Unfortunately Jane's video skips this point entirely!

I'm sure that we aren't really advising our learners to respond 5 of a minor with 12 HCP. So is the Powerpoint incomplete/incorrect? Or are we simply expected to point out that with a minor you need more points and a good suit?



Started by Nick Mein on 04 Aug 2021 at 07:26PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN16 Aug 2021 at 07:43AM


    IMO Jane’s video is the best approach smile

    Judging when a hand should be played in 5m is notoriously difficult even at expert level.

    And complicated in matchpoint bridge by the frequency of occasions where a “good” 5m contract is a worse matchpoint score than a “bad” 3NT which makes an overtrick because, for example, the best suit to lead is in the hand of the defender not on lead.

    I don’t see any merit in trying to assign numbers to the options (of which there are usually at least three (minor suit game, minor suit part-score and NT game))

    Best to teach them to do what the experts do and guess!

    And give them guidelines so, with experience, their guesses become more “educated”

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