Improvers Lesson 7

Signals & Discards


Board 1

This is very complex for a first example.   North has a natural trump trick QJ7.   Do they look for two ruffs ?

And suit preference signal is required, but that's advanced beyond this lesson.   Just give West the Q of spades.


Board 2

Why doesn't West signal with the 5 of hearts ?   Less ambiguous.


Board 8

I would prefer South's spades to be more split, like 82.   It does make an interesting discussion, sometimes your first discard is not clear.   In this case West can even hide the 4.


Started by GILES HANCOCK on 29 Apr 2020 at 05:00PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN12 Sep 2020 at 07:58AM

    These are good suggestions, Giles

    And there are many other ways in which the example hands could be improved

    This it not meant as a criticism of the excellent work the team has put in to compile these
    But to say more human resources are required

    The team is not big enough

    I'm sure there are many other f ertile minds around who could be called on to submit their own creations which are closer to "the ideal" examples.
    I would be happy to assist here

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