Refresher boards for Bbeginners

We had a great suggestion from Christchurch asking for a couple of sets of boards that include hands from each lesson for refresher sessions.  One set has a selection of hands from Lessons 2 to 5 i(n case you have a refresher half way through the lessons) and the other set from Lessons 6 to 10.  There are 12 boards in each set and we have also produced the hand record with the notes.  Hope you find this useful and sorry we did not think of it before !

Click on this link to go to the page with the teaching material on it

Started by KAREN MARTELLETTI on 18 Jun 2018 at 04:46PM

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  1. KAREN MARTELLETTI18 Jun 2018 at 05:44PM

    On request the second set of boards has been increased to 16 boards

  2. LANCE BOWDEN21 Jun 2018 at 11:57PM

    Great idea.  We have done it twice, just picking hands from the lessons.  Great to see Bridge thing ahead


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