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  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Jul 2024

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players….and others! It’s Fri day. Who’s the decision-maker? There are a few useful lessons to learn from today’s deal which is more aimed at those new to the game. Don’t... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 Jul 2024

    Jack James. Ending on top. The Auckland- Northland Main Regional Teams was played in Whangarei last Sunday and was won by the team of Malcolm Mayer – Pam Livingston and Michael Ware – Jack James. They were in no small way helped by... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    24 Jul 2024

    Ask the right question. If you want to find out the right answer, then you should ask the right question! Strangely, that should not have stopped most pairs from finding the right contract with today’s deal….but next time it might!... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    24 Jul 2024

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    23 Jul 2024

          a full room at The Mount.  Slamming at “The Mount”. It is wonderful to see live bridge becoming more popular again post Covid. It is even better when that popularity is seen in Intermediate, Junior and... read more here

  • Improver lessons

    26 Jul 2024

      RONA DRISCOLL IMPROVER SERIES On Thursday evenings in August (15, 22 and 29th August) at 7pm, Rona Driscoll is running a series of online improver sessions. The topic in August is bidding and playing strong hands (which will get... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    22 Jul 2024

    Grant and Patrick.  The Majors and the Minors ne’er do meet! Grant Jarvis and Pat Carter emerged from very midfield to win the Auckland-Northland Main Regional Pairs in Whangarei on Saturday with a superb second session 68.60%, over... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Jul 2024

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others. It’s Fri day. Urgent Action Required! Something unusual happened on the following board. Your side bid up to game and obviously had enough high card points to do so…25... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Jul 2024

    Bridge Psychology. Whoever said bridge was about counting, mathematics? “Whoever” said that only told part of the story. You do not need a degree in psychology to do well at our game but a little understanding of our fellow humans... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    18 Jul 2024

      Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Jul 2024

    Too “High” to Handle? We referred yesterday to “7 Deadly Sins”. In bridge terms, today we look at number 8. Isn’t it great when your partner opens a game-forcing 2C and you have a clear positive response… no... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Jul 2024

      The Seventh Deadly Sin. It is not “less bad” than the six before it because it is number 7. Before you rush off to google to find which sin I am referring, plan your play to the following “routine” 4H game. The... read more here

  • All Time Masterpoint Earners - Top 200

    15 Jul 2024

    Top 200 as at 30 June 2024 read more here

  • Baden Wilson- Reports

    15 Jul 2024

    Updated as at 30 June 2024 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Jul 2024

    Christine and Jenna Gibbons. “Doubled” and Victorious. A very experienced and a first time partnership combined to win the Hamilton Club’s 5A Teams event last Saturday. “The experience” were Christine and Jenna... read more here

  • Ranks Report

    15 Jul 2024

    Updated as at 30 June 2024 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Jul 2024

    for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players....and others. It's Fri day.  Worth a mention? You have not got much of a hand….but your partner has! They opened a Game Forcing 2C. So, you had better co-operate. What should you bid as... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Jul 2024

    All care along the way. One can bid and then play some boards in a routine fashion, finding a fit easily, perhaps drawing trumps and then claiming for the required number of tricks. Then, there are others:   ♠... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    10 Jul 2024

    An old chestnut? What you see…or what you hope partner has! Another opening lead problem from the North Island Pairs. It covers familiar territory though few East players got it right at the table….or at least completely right.... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show

    10 Jul 2024

    Link to this week's show read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Jul 2024

    Time to Break the Rule? Our game is full of rules/guidelines about how we are best to play, bid or defend. We glory in knowing the right time to go against the recommended approach. The question today is whether “now is the hour” to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Jul 2024

    Johnny Davidson.  North Island Pairs On-line. After a most successful on-line South Island Pairs a couple of weeks back, the Waikato Bays Region hosted the North Island Pairs on-line. There were not quite so many pairs, 58 as opposed to 74,... read more here

  • News from the Chair

    8 Jul 2024

      Newsletter No 4 for 2024 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Jul 2024

    For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others: it’s Fri  Day! The Dangerous Discard. While today’s story features discarding to a long suit, the happy end for the defenders would not have happened without the... read more here

  • North Island Pairs -Online 6-7 July 2024

    5 Jul 2024

    Link to results read more here

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