Search Results that Masterpoints were awarded for

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DateClubEventSessionPlacePlayersMPtsScoreA PtsB PtsC Pts
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal1 Jane Walders, Megan Eddy, Shawn Adriel-Ai, Judy Parkinson5B73.69VP5
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal2 Margaret Fraser, Richard Williams, Peter Udy, Elena Udy5B59.68VP4
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal3 Audrey Young, Sally Croy, Jan Hawkins, Annette Weaver5B56.32VP3
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal4 Mary Banks, Robyn Dawson, Lin Clark, Iris Clanachan5B55.42VP2
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal5 Fiona Findlater, Freddy Wilkie, Lizzie Thompson, Catherine Wilkie5B53.18VP1
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal6 Blair Corlet, Cornel Van Basten, Derick Van Basten, Kerry Kelly5B51.67VP
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal7 Brendon Smith, Bridget O'Brien, Jessie Pelenato, Ryan McMahon5B50.05VP
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal8 Penny Martin, Mary-Lou Hoskins, Helen Benington, Denise Curry5B46.89VP
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal9 Ian Doel, Michelle Gan, Colin Clemens, Dean Garrett5B45.45VP
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal10 Liz Douglas, Catherine Ott, Kate Harris, Annemarie Loughnan5B45.33VP
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal11 Pam Millar, Nicki Hudson, Andrew McGowan, Maureen Power5B41.72VP
18 May 24ChristchurchCanterbury Congress Int TeamsFinal12 Rex Denley, Lynne Switalla, Sanson Phil, Brigit Hearn5B20.60VP

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