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NZB Privacy of Information Policy 2024
Policy Statement
The Board and Management of NZ Bridge Inc (NZB) are committed to meeting all obligations and requirements under the Privacy Act 2020, or any Government Emergency Directives, and to the operation and management of a system that ensures the protection of all personal information.
This document sets out how NZB may collect, hold, and use personal information. By providing your personal information to NZB (either directly or through an affiliated organisation), you consent to its use, storage, and disclosure in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act 2020.
Policy Principles
NZB will
Collect the minimum amount of personal information it needs to deliver its services and support its members and employees.
Protect the information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure. Some of the security measures NZB uses includes strict confidentiality requirements of our employees, volunteers, and service providers, security measures for system access and security measures for our website.
Ensure that the personal information it collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up to date.
Ensure you have access to the personal information held about you, and that you can review, update and remove as required.
NZB will have a Privacy Officer, as required under the 2020 Privacy Act, who will have responsibility for oversight and will be the contact point for fast resolution of any Privacy issues.
Policy Objectives
NZB is committed to respecting the right to privacy and the protection of personal information.
NZB is committed to meeting the requirements of the 2020 Privacy Act.
Scope of Policy
The Policy is for anyone who provides, collects, accesses, or uses personal information held by NZB
It is expected that all users and providers of information will:
Take reasonable care around accuracy of collection
Take reasonable care that their own acts or omissions do not adversely affect the security and accessibility of personal information
Comply, so far as is as reasonable, with any instruction that is given by NZB to allow NZB to comply with the Act.
Cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure of NZB relating to the protection of personal information, and right to privacy.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed every two years but may be reviewed more frequently if legislative changes so require, or where specific concerns have been raised about the existing policy that so warrant an immediate review.
Ratified by NZB Board: 19 November 2024
Implementation of Policy: November 2024