To edit or remove your entry, go to the My NZB tab and scroll down to Tournament Entries. If you want to enter a tournament that has closed or does not allow online entries, contact the club directly.

Dannevirke Daffodil Day Charity TournamentEnter Here

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Starts 1:00 PM, please be seated 5-10 minutes prior, afternoon tea, snacks provided then and at conclusion.  No bar.  Entry fee $20 is payable at the door or by bank deposit to 01-0611-0024925-00 -- please state “Daffodil” and your name(s) on the particulars etc.  All proceeds go to support the Cancer Society of NZ. 


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  • Godfrey Prenter 33964 Dannevirke
    Linda Lawrence 1545 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
  • Trish Gilbert 33947 Dannevirke
    Jacqui Barclay 42265 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
  • Colette Fermor 44568 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
    Joy Rose 33956 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
  • Harold Orsborn 33959 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
    Emily Mott 31995 - Unregistered
  • Steve Munday 52764 Dannevirke
    Mabes Munday 52765 Dannevirke
  • Graeme Eustace 33954 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
    Shonee Eustace 33972 Dannevirke
  • Lloyd Ferrett 7637 Dannevirke
    Frances LaHood 56566 Dannevirke
  • Murray Thomas 32581 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
    Rachel Cammock 32586 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
  • Mary Sanders 42372 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
    Eric Flesch 57886 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
  • Gaylene Hart 55090 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
    Mary Craine 53382 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
  • Sandy Sloane 39718 Dannevirke
    MY NZB
    Heather Smart 32590 Dannevirke
    MY NZB

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To download an Excel version "Export tournament list as  Excel " at at the top of this list. Want to change the details of a tournament?  Please use the Tournament Change Request Form.
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  • Tauranga City Council
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