To edit or remove your entry, go to the My NZB tab and scroll down to Tournament Entries. If you want to enter a tournament that has closed or does not allow online entries, contact the club directly.

Auckland Easter Congress Intermediate/Junior PairsEnter Here

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  • Sharon Gray 54649 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    Adele C Hughes 31096 Waitemata
    MY NZB
  • Deirdre Oliver 39983 East Coast Bays
    MY NZB
    Robin Stevenson 1258 East Coast Bays
    MY NZB
  • Alan Brame 52604 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Paula McTaggart 52641 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Susan Steedman 41147 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
    Dave Almond 45127 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Kerri McCrae 3653 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Bill Leach 4318 Mt Albert
    MY NZB
  • Trish Young 37598 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Maureen Heine 43989 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Jody Burchall 51578 Auckland
    MY NZB
    Thomas Freeman-Greene 51590 Auckland
    MY NZB
  • Rosemary Jackson 39482 North Shore
    MY NZB
    Heather Richards 49845 North Shore
    MY NZB
  • John Weijermars 2911 Papatoetoe
    MY NZB
    Shirley Xu 38499 Papatoetoe
    MY NZB
  • Gayle Christensen 43782 Whangarei
    MY NZB
    Rod Christensen 26461 Whangarei
    MY NZB
  • Ross Longney 56598 Warkworth
    MY NZB
    Steve Moore 41946 Warkworth
    MY NZB

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To download an Excel version "Export tournament list as  Excel " at at the top of this list. Want to change the details of a tournament?  Please use the Tournament Change Request Form.
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