To edit or remove your entry, go to the My NZB tab and scroll down to Tournament Entries. If you want to enter a tournament that has closed or does not allow online entries, contact the club directly.

NZ Novice Pairs

To qualify for this event, contestants must be ranked as a Novice on 1st January 2024

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  • Suzanne Jansen 57859 Tauranga
    MY NZB
    Julie Bickers 57813 Tauranga
    MY NZB
  • Rex Graveley 57263 Katikati
    MY NZB
    Diane Weston 57478 Katikati
    MY NZB
  • Sandra Gee 52527 Omokoroa
    MY NZB
    Astrid Martin 55234 Tauranga
    MY NZB
  • Nikki Baguley 55510 Mt Maunganui
    MY NZB
    Jo Craig 55511 Mt Maunganui

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To download an Excel version "Export tournament list as  Excel " at at the top of this list. Want to change the details of a tournament?  Please use the Tournament Change Request Form.
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