To edit or remove your entry, go to the My NZB tab and scroll down to Tournament Entries. If you want to enter a tournament that has closed or does not allow online entries, contact the club directly.

WB BOP Interclub Teams

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  • Rosemary Ritchie 29440 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Joan Berg 16527 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Ella Gray 30450 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Garth Robinson 26624 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Sheryl Righton 47616 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Sharon Opai 48230 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Kim Chung 26077 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Gillian Robertson 47698 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Prue Kyle 1469 Taupo
    MY NZB
    Jill Jones 36477 Taupo
    Susan Lower 51167 Taupo
    MY NZB
    David Young 26082 Taupo
    MY NZB

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To download an Excel version "Export tournament list as  Excel " at at the top of this list. Want to change the details of a tournament?  Please use the Tournament Change Request Form.
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