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Upper Hutt Intermediate Pairs

Cost is $30 per head, 9:30am for 10am start, BYO lunch - morning and afternoon tea provided.

Export entry list as: Excel

  • Kaye McCredie 20447 Kapi Mana
    MY NZB
    John Joseph 18396 Kapi Mana
    MY NZB
  • Margaret Gordon 46653 Waikanae
    MY NZB
    Murray Lobb 55922 Waikanae
    MY NZB
  • Roanna Chan 55968 Victoria
    MY NZB
    Mark Holden 45850 Victoria
    MY NZB
  • Sharyn Bowen 52899 Hutt
    MY NZB
    Beverley Lust 10673 Hutt
  • Jude Lucas 35412 Waikanae
    MY NZB
    Karen Eriksen 35416 Waikanae
    MY NZB
  • Wayne Stechman 43092 Wellington
    MY NZB
    Dianne Tredger 57791 Wellington
    MY NZB
  • Jean Williams 12829 Karori
    MY NZB
    Olivia Sawrey 54364 Karori
    MY NZB
  • Meredith Ross 36080 Victoria
    MY NZB
    Owen Knowles 52597 Victoria
    MY NZB
  • Ann Verboeket 43687 Waikanae
    MY NZB
    Eileen Queree 48917 Waikanae
    MY NZB
  • Jeffry Craanen 34929 Hutt
    MY NZB
    Alan Jennings 39052 Hutt
    MY NZB
  • Peter Jackson 2761 Kairangi
    MY NZB
    Mary Scott 13827 Kairangi
    MY NZB
  • Ken Wood 45286 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Mary Fowke 56113 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
  • Sheena Smith 37145 Upper Hutt
    Joyce Bosman 1813 Upper Hutt
  • Linda Bitchener 37160 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Carol McConnell 37123 Upper Hutt
  • John Lewis Rosevear 45218 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Wendy A Rosevear 45277 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
  • Michael Carson 38950 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Peter Skinner 38939 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
  • Andrea Carson 38949 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Anne Skinner 37136 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
  • Sue Fish 18961 Wellington
    MY NZB
    Eric Frykberg 30658 Wellington
    MY NZB
  • Caroline Strachan 31825 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Margaret Dick 38947 Archive
    MY NZB
  • Pauline Edwards 3400 Karori
    MY NZB
    Cheryl Scott 1452 Wellington
  • Charlie Vilain 10082 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Jennifer Bodinetz 26017 Upper Hutt
  • Andrew Smith 36664 Karori
    MY NZB
    Cindy Johnson 53245 Karori
    MY NZB
  • Susie Pattison 26060 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Jennifer Wiggins 32552 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
  • Janet Dobbie 2506 Wellington
    MY NZB
    Ruth Harley 1329 Wellington
    MY NZB
  • Patricia Mahoney 42682 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Biddy Rush 32396 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
  • Sanjay Suda 51256 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
    Pavle Mogin 45412 Upper Hutt
    MY NZB
  • Rachel Patrick 49656 Otaki
    MY NZB
    Vicki Boffa 49688 Waikanae
    MY NZB

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