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NZ Regional Championships
Regions are invited to enter teams of four in the following categories – Open, Women, Senior and Intermediate.
New Zealand Regional Championship Finals
6th & 7th November 2025

After consultation with the Regions the Board has decided that the Regional Championships will be contested in 2025 in the following format.
Regions are invited to enter teams of four in the following categories – Open, Women, Senior and Intermediate. Regions can appoint a Chef de Mission for the Region.
The Regions may select their teams or hold trials as they wish on the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of May.
The finals will be held face to face over two days preceding National Congress in November, from 11.00am Thursday 6th and conclude on Friday 7th –at the Palmerston North Function and Conference Centre.
Limited travel subsidies will be allocated to each region and a 10% discount on entry fees for National Congress for any Regional Championships representatives that register for the entire week of Congress.
Costs over and above the travel subsidy must come from the players or from external fundraising. Regional funds are not to be used.
Alister Stuck
National Secretary
27 February 202
Auckland- Northland
Top of The South
Auckland- Northland
Central Districts
Top of The South
Auckland- Northland
Central Districts
Top of The South
Auckland- Northland
Central Districts
Top of The South
Otago Southland
Chef de Missions
Auckland - Northland
Douglas Russell
Waikato Bays
Judy McLeod
Central Districts
Mairi Fitzsimons
Nigel Kearney
Top of The South
Pam Whitehead
John Skipper
Otago - Southland
Kristin Collins
System Cards
Click on a pairs' name below to download their system card.
A copy of the compendium is available here.
The 2024 Regional Championship Finals will be held from Saturday 30th November to Monday 2nd December 2024.
Auckland- Northland
Top of The South
Auckland- Northland
Central Districts
Top of The South
Auckland- Northland
Central Districts
Top of The South
Auckland- Northland
Central Districts
Top of The South
Otago Southland
Chef de Missions
Auckland - Northland
Douglas Russell
Waikato Bays
Judy McLeod
Central Districts
Mairi Fitzsimons
Nigel Kearney
Top of The South
Pam Whitehead
John Skipper
Otago - Southland
Kristin Collins
System Cards
The following links will take you to the relevant dropbox containing system cards for these events
The 2023 Interprovincial Teams will be held over the weekend of the 24th - 26th November.
Auckland- Northland
Ian Berrington - Malcolm Mayer
Bill Humphrey - Jeremy Fraser-Hoskin
Steve Boughey - William Liu
Waikato Bays
Jo Simpson - Sam Simpson
Liz Fisher - Blair Fisher
Anna Kalma - Richard Solomon
Central Districts
Russell Wilson - Bob Hurley
Jack James - Pam Livingston
George Masters - Wayne Burrows
Kate Davies - John Patterson
Rodney Dravitzki - Sandra Dravitzki
Sandy McKirdy - Graham Stronach
Top of The South
Phil Rutherford - Ray Curnow
Wayne McCoy - Kevin Hill
Jo Gear - Wayne Smith
Tim Schumacher - David Skipper
Max Morrison - Jane Lennon
Otago Southland
Sam Coutts - Brad Johnston
Greg Buzzard - Moss Wylie
John Sheehy - Robert Cowan
Auckland- Northland
Leah Andrews - Anna Powell
Lysandra Zheng - Tim Pan
Bigi Cameron - Emma Russell
Waikato Bays
Deidre Gunn - Jackie Blue
Jenny Elgar - Janet Milbank
Catherine Cameron - Nigel Gresson
Central Districts
Hans van Bunnik - Michael Hardman
Gayle Leader - Julie Bunnell
Martin Berry - Justine Hart
Lee Miller - Chris Woods
Barbara Tumilowicz - Walt Davis
Jeffrey Craanen - Martin Loader
Top of The South
Peter Bone - Tom Pyatt
Valerie Fitzsimons - Michael Fitzsimons
Babs-Merel de Visser - Ellen Curnow
Caroline Caseley - Jo Hampton
Catherine Preen - Anna Pavletich
Julia Thomas - Catherine Fitchett
Otago Southland
Genevieve Webb - Tim Webb
Viv Clifford-March - Graham Dale
Judy Russell - Pam Hodgkinson
Auckland- Northland
Bev Henton - Lynne Geursen
Steph Jacob - Clair Miao
Linda Cartner - Glenis Palmer
Waikato Bays
Kate Terry - Judy Pawson
Christine Gibbons - Jenna Gibbons
Central Districts
Carolyn Yeomans - Jan Whyte
Lorraine Stachurski - Sarah Green
Liz Burrows - Anne Gordon
Sophie Atkin - Helen Fitzgerald
Ruth Brucker - Nan Wehipeihana
Vivienne Cannell - Cathy Nijman
Top of The South
Kathryn Brookes - Jana Bott
Sita Monaghan - Ruth Allison
Pam Tibble - Joan Small
Margaret Burgess - Shirley Newton
Otago Southland
Kristen Collins - Donna Ruwhiu
Wyn Jones - Kaye Wilson
Emma Strong - Anne Sommerville
Auckland- Northland
Jonathan Westoby - Grant Jarvis
Patrick Carter - Julie Atkinson
Christine Wilson - Barry Palmer
Waikato Bays
Tony Hacking - Judy McLeod
Hugh McAlister - Diana McAlister
Tim Healy - Helen Healy
Central Districts
Claire Woodhall - Noel Woodhall
Peter Ramsey - Gary Duncan
Martin Oyston - Pat Oyston
Patrick D'Arcy - Graeme Norman
John Luoni - Johnny Davidson
Derek Snelling - Nebojsa Djorovic
Top of The South
Stuart Grant - Pam Whitehead
Marsha Woodbury - Ann Baker
Michael Johnstone - Paula Gregory
Jane Skipper - John Skipper
Otago Southland
Murat Genc - Arlene Schwartz
Peter Hall - Peter McCaskill
Graeme Stout - Jeff Miller
Chef de Missions
Auckland - Northland
Douglas Russell
Waikato Bays
Barry Jones
Central Districts
Colin Carryer
Katherine Gough
Top of The South
Barbara Gordon
Ian Southern
Otago - Southland
Phil Noye
The 2022 event was held over the weekend of 18th/ 20th November 2022 on-line. for the full results. Congratulations to Wellington Region which won the Dougal Maclean Trophy and to these regions who won the 4 events:
Auckland-Northland - Open and Women's
Wellington - Intermediate
Canterbury - Seniors'
There was no Youth event.
2022 Inter-Provincial Teams
Auckland- Northland
Steve Boughey - Matt Brown
Gary Chen - John Wang
Dong Gao Bi - Jerry Chen
Waikato Bays
Jo and Sam Simpson
Barry Jones - Jenny Millington
Rona and John Driscoll
Central Districts
Russell Wilson - Bob Hurley
Jack James- Pam Livingston
George Masters - Wayne Burrows
Anthony Ker - Alan Grant
Peter Newell - Martin Reid
Nigel Kearney - Karl Hayes
Top of The South
Chris Marshall - Pam Dravitzki
Ray Curnow - Phil Rutherford
Tim Schumacher - David Skipper
Fiona Temple - John Kruiniger
Otago Southland
Sam Coutts - Brad Johnston
Graeme Stout - Jeff Miller
Kevin Skoropada - Moss Wylie
Auckland- Northland
Kim Thomas - Kevin Grundy
Juliet Golightly - Alan Pumfleet
Steve Moore - Graham Duhs
Waikato Bays
Simon Eminson - Mike Newton
Barbara McFarlane - Ted Cliffin
Megan Richards - Jan Gyenge
Central Districts
Hans van Bunnik - Anne Gordon
Michael Hardman - Julie Bunnell
Martine Berry - Justine Hart
Lee Miller - Chris Woods
Barbara Tumilowicz - Walt Davis
Helen and Murray Climo
Top of The South
Viv Murray - Trish Clearwater
Sue Glue - Michelle Gunn
Caroline Caseley - Jo Hampton
Catherine Preen - Anne-marie Pavletich
Ian Beattie - Rex Green
Otago Southland
Jan Brown - Yvonne Hughes
Barbara Hutton - Jenny Rowley
Genevieve and Tim Webb
Auckland- Northland
Andi Boughey - Carol Richardson
Jane Stearns - Cheryl Winsor
Kinga Hajmasi - Candice Smith
Waikato Bays
Kate Terry - Judy Pawson
Christine and Jenna Gibbons
Karen Harris - Cherie Barton
Central Districts
Lyn O'Shaughnessy- Gillian Gonthier
Christine Burton - Margaret Crawford
Jillian Ramsey - Mairi Fitzsimons
Mindy Wu - Susan Laurenson
Anne-Marie Russell - Bridget Hannaway-Willcox
Joan Waldvogel - Joan McCarthy
Top of The South
Carol Minchin- Jana Bott
Barbara Gordon - Raewyn Taylor
Katherine Brookes - Sita Monaghan
Pam Tibble - Sue Southen
Sarah Garland - Liz Fitzgerald
Jane Morris - Dallas Dagg
Otago Southland
Kristen Collins - Donna Ruwhiu
Wyn Jones - Kaye Wilson
Kaye Shand - Anne Sommerville
Auckland- Northland
Jonathan Westoby - Grant Jarvis
Patrick Carter - Julie Atkinson
Denis Humphries - David Dolbel
Waikato Bays
Ella Gray - Michael Neels
Hugh and Diana McAlister
Murray Wood - Rachelle Pelkman
Central Districts
Peter Ramsey - Noel Woodhall
Les Gould - Gary Duncan
Sharon Mosley - John Mosley
Patrick D'Arcy - Graeme Norman
John Luoni - Johnny Davidson
Derek Snelling - Nebojsa Djorovic
Top of The South
Stuart Grant - Pam Whitehead
Chris Turner - Kevin Hill
Marsha Woodbury - Ann Baker
Michael Johnstone - Paula Gregory
Jane and John Skipper
Otago Southland
Murat Genc - Arleen Schwartz
Peter Hall - Peter McCaskill
Marilyn and Phil Noye
Chef de Missions
Auckland - Northland
Douglas Russell
Waikato Bays
Richard Solomon
Central Districts
Colin Carryer
Lynda Rigler
Top of The South
Pam Whitehead (playing)
David Stephen
Otago - Southland
Greg Buzzard
The 2021 event will be held on Real Bridge platform on the 19th (evening) to 21st November.
2021 Inter-Provincial Teams
Auckland- Northland
Malcolm Mayer - Michael Ware
David Dolbel - Denis Humphries
Tom Jacob - Brian Mace
Waikato Bays
Jo and Sam Simpson
Liz and Blair Fisher
Anna Kalma - Richard Solomon
Central Districts
Wayne Burrows - Bob Hurley
Colin Carryer - Russell Wilson
Jack James - Pam Livingston
Peter Newell - Martin Reid
Karl Hayes - Nigel Kearney
Anthony Ker - Alan Grant
Top of The South
Wayne McCoy - Kevin Hill
Jo Gear - Wayne Smith
Chris Turner - John Penny
Tim Schumacher - David Skipper
Tina McVeigh - Graeme Tuffnell
Otago Southland
Brad Johnston - Kevin Skoropada
Matt Blakeley - Paul Freeland
Auckland- Northland
Felicity Hannay - Cathy Carroll
Aaron Starr - Robert Davies
Waikato Bays
Ted Cliffin - Barbara McFarlane
Jan Gyenge - Stacey Hilton