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Daily Bridge on Friday... for Junior, Intermediate and Novice players..and others
Two “Rights” spells “Disaster” The problem today is that both partners were correct in their interpretation of the key bid. It’s just...
5 days ago2 min read

Daily Bridge
Hard Decisions Michael’s, not Michael, to the rescue! You should make it to game. You might even try for slam. For many, the question is...
7 days ago3 min read

Hair raising
A “Hair-raising” Charity event in Dunedin. Today, we salute Dunedin bridge players who raised $4,000 for a local good cause, one...
Mar 193 min read

Daily Bridge
Double Shot : Part 2. Yesterday’s article could have been called “second time lucky”. Could that phrase be used for today’s deal? It’s an...
Mar 184 min read

That Extra Trick!
You open light. You are propelled to slam. Partner kindly allows you one loser. Yet, you still seem to be a trick short. What’s to be...
Mar 132 min read

Mind Reading.
The same could be said of playing boards but when defending a deal, it pays at times to be able to be a mind-reader. Take these two...
Mar 123 min read

Big Teams Victory at New Plymouth.
Blair and Liz Fisher Six teams competed in the finals of the Teams competition at the Taranaki Bridge Congress but there was only ever...
Mar 113 min read

“Crime” should not pay.
“Crime” refers to getting away with making a contract you really should not bid. This is particularly true in the slam zone. What would...
Mar 103 min read

The Power of Aces.
For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others. It’s Fri Yay! Day. You may have heard it before. Aces are often worth more than...
Mar 72 min read

Being a nuisance!
Weak Bids do Work. Well, they do but this particular one should not have worked as well as it did in many cases. Ironically, the wrong...
Mar 63 min read

The Best Chance.
It is nice to bid a pushy slam, with one proviso. You do need to make it or else concede a bundle of imps! So, here’s your opportunity....
Mar 52 min read

Changing Times?
Back when I learnt the game, if you had 16 or more high card points and a 5-card or longer suit, you doubled the opponent’s 1 of a suit...
Mar 45 min read

Hard to make and hard to beat!
In one 9 board Swiss Pairs match at a tournament last Saturday, there were four slam deals in five successive boards. That sounds...
Mar 33 min read

Throw a loser...and be a winner!
For Junior, Intermediate and Novice players…and others. It’s Fri Yay! Day. Today’s deal provides an example of a technique in playing a...
Feb 283 min read

More or Less!
Today’s is a strange article. In it comes a most unusual admission. Those who know me well, and that includes my non-playing wife, would...
Feb 274 min read

The Successful Line.
We would all like to find it, especially on troublesome deals like today’s one. This deal produced many casualties in the qualifying...
Feb 263 min read

A Deal about…..
Does it only happen to you? Everyone else gets a friendly lead but against you, they find the killer lead! Really? What then do you make...
Feb 253 min read

South Island success in South Island Teams.
Jeff Miller and Graeme Stout It was rather appropriate that victory in last weekend’s South Island On-Line Pairs should go to a...
Feb 243 min read

Double and plus!
When we make a penalty double, we always aim to record a plus score. Sometimes, the plus may not be huge but any plus is so much better...
Feb 213 min read

“You will have something, partner. Won’t you!”
That cry may have been made by some South players who held the hand below. They pick up as good a hand as they have held all night, all...
Feb 203 min read
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