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TOPS Summer Online Teams 2021/22 – Invitation to enter


Following the success of last year’s summer online teams, the TOPS regional committee has given approval for the event to be repeated this summer.

How it works:

  • Teams of two or three pairs with two pairs playing in each match
  • 16-board matches using the BBO platform
  • A draw will be communicated by email
  • At the completion of each match the winning captain emails the result (in imps) to the competition coordinator at
  • Teams negotiate when they play.  At least one match (more if possible) should be played each week.
  • It is helpful, but not essential, for each team to have at least one experienced BBO player (over 100 logins)
  • This is an open competition. Players from all regions are welcome to enter
  • Ray Curnow will maintain the VPs points table and advise teams of the draw
  • The points table will be updated regularly
  • Entry fee: $10 per player – payment details to be advised


How to enter:

  • Email your team of four or six to
  • Your team list needs the following:
    • Player names
    • Player email addresses
    • Player phone numbers
    • BBO usernames
  • Each team needs a nominated captain
  • Closing date for entries:  Wednesday 15 December 2021
  • Note:  If you can’t make up a full team, let me know and I will match you with someone else


Getting started:

Once we have confirmed entries, I will email detailed instructions to captains.  We want to emphasise that, to begin with, you do not need to be experienced BBO users. There will be help available.

I plan to have this competition under way as soon as entries have closed.



Email or phone me – 027 680 9991 or 03 789 4199


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