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2021 Tri-Nations: Australia - Indonesia - New Zealand

2021 Tri-Nations: Australia - Indonesia - New Zealand
Match starting times, Supplementary Regulations, RealBridge information  
see under Event Information          
Convention cards available when received      
List of teams            
December 11-12            
Two teams from each country in each division        
Double round-robin of 12 board matches        
No matches against teams from the same country      
*** Delayed kibitzing will be available on the RealBridge kibitz server  
    Click here to kibitz      
  Draw for all divisions          
Team # Team   Round        
1 Australia 1   1 1 v 6 3 v 2 5 v 4  
2 Australia 2   2 3 v 1 2 v 5 6 v 4  
3 Indonesia 1   3 1 v 5 4 v 2 6 v 3  
4 Indonesia 2   4 4 v 1 2 v 6 5 v 3  
5 New Zealand 1   5 1 v 3 5 v 2 4 v 6  
6 New Zealand 2   6 5 v 1 2 v 4 3 v 6  
      7 1 v 4 6 v 2 3 v 5  

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