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Daily Bridge in New Zealand

A strong hand: but how to handle it?

More pairs are playing transfer responses to what is usually a short 1C opening. Thus, whether or not you play such a system, you are quite likely to have to defend against some of the unusual situations it creates. Today’s deal is not actually about a transfer response in itself, or not the more common ones, but how to handle a good hand when everyone seems to have something to say.

Bridge in NZ.pngnz map.jpg

9 7 5 2
A K 8 2
A K 10 7
West North East South
    1  1 
1  ?    


1Club-small promised at least two clubs and 1Spade-small denied both a four- card major also a diamond hold too. What to do with our nice-looking hand? We are playing Teams.

One question around this situation is if we double, what does it mean?

Andy Braithwaite “Double: I double first which should show values and major interest.”

Michael Ware “Double: for take-out.”

Michael Cornell “Double: I do x 1S despite my diamond shortage.”

Peter Newell “Double: of course, one’s bids do depend on what you know about your partner and your agreements…

.how weak can partner be to bid 1Diamond-small?

 Is the double of 1Spade-small is take-out of clubs, or shows spades?

Would partner volunteer a 4-card major if he had one even with a weak hand?

Do you play weak jumps?  If so, partner probably only has (4) 5 diamonds, likely shortish clubs and therefore a 4-card major.”

Giving his version to at least the question of what double says is:

Bruce Anderson “Double: a negative double showing both majors as if the bid showed only spades, a heart fit could be lost. Our opponents are playing 2/1 and without the 1Diamond-small bid the 1Spade-small response would show a balanced 6-9 points and no 4-card major. To show no diamond hold indicates great partnership understanding.  

It is tempting to pass as surely the 1Spade-small is forcing and it is likely E/W are already in trouble. If opener makes the likely rebid of either 1NT or 2Club-small I can double, which should be read as penalties (I had the option to make a negative double over 1Spade-small but did not do so). But our opponents are almost certain to have club fit and if partner has a 4 card major, this approach will not be a success.

On the same track re the double is:

Nigel Kearney “Double: Without any agreement I would expect this to suggest something in the majors, but not necessarily four cards in both majors. Double needs to cater to a range of hands that cannot bid NT or two of a major and don't want to raise diamonds immediately.”


Values, both majors, something in the majors. All true. However, Double was not the universal action.


Stephen Blackstock and Pam Livingston “Pass: knowing that East has to bid something.”


Stephen and Pam are right. East must now bid. We suggested after the double that East would bid 2Club-small. So, what would the Panel do then after the sequence has gone:

West              North            East                South

                                               1Club-small                   1Diamond-small

1Spade-small                   x/Pass            2Club-small                   Pass
Pass                ?


Another double, maybe, but what does that mean?

Andy Braithwaite “Double: When partner passes 2Club-small, the 1Diamond-small bid must be lead directing with poor points so may not be much use to me if I declare in a major.

But partner with a singleton club must hold either 6 diamonds or 5 with a 4-card major. So, I double again in the hope it is the latter.”


Playing Teams, our Michaels disagree:


Michael Cornell “Pass: I am just going to take my plus now. Even if partner is bare minimum, I do not believe he has a club shortage and a 4-card major.   Had opener passed, he would have had to bid but now he has the chance to pass. So, he should not have that.

If this was Pairs, I think I would double again as 2 of a major should be favourite in a 4-3 for 110 but at imps I will just settle for the almost certain plus.”


Michael Ware “Pass:  partner couldn't act over 2Club-small with either 2Diamond-small or double for take-out.”


Peter Newell “Double: for take-out. If partner doesn’t have a 4-card major, I certainly would rather pass, but I think most likely partner has short clubs given East has bid them twice, and West must have some clubs given they have no major, and if partner probably doesn’t have 6 diamonds, that means partner is likely to have a 4-card major.  Partner is likely a minimum overcall, and may not have been clear about what the double of 1Spade-small is – so double for take-out for me.”

An unusual option, given our own club holding, afforded by:

Bruce Anderson “Double: I double again, which must show a strong hand, and offers partner the option of either rebidding a long suit or passing for penalties.”

The last thing I would want to hear would be 2Diamond-small. If partner has that option, I’m with the Michaels in going for a plus. Our two passers of 1Spade-small are again united in what double means and they do not want any pulls to 2Diamond-small!

Pam Livingston “Double: I will then double and partner will know I have no diamond support.”

Stephen Blackstock “Double: I beam and double for penalties (it can hardly be anything else, given my previous pass). 2Club-smallx will suit me admirably.”

If double after a previous pass is for penalties, then perhaps double after a previous double is still for take-out?

Nigel Kearney “Double: On the second round, I'm not sure what is going on. Partner doesn't have a weak jump in diamonds, doesn't seem to have many clubs, and could not bid a major either. Anyway, I have extra values for my previous double so will just double again (not for penalty) and see what partner does.”

So, it would seem that had we doubled 1Spade-small, our second double is still for take-out. Had we passed initially, we double for blood. No action threatened to record a poor score:

East Deals
None Vul
9 7 5 2
A K 8 2
A K 10 7
A Q 3
10 7 5
10 9 6 2
9 4 3
W   E
K 4
Q J 6
K 4 3
Q J 8 5 2
J 10 8 6
9 4 3
A Q J 7 5
West North East South
    1  1 
1  ?    


A penalty double of 2Club-small would have netted 300 without much sweat. A negative double would have forced a reluctant partner to bid 2Spade-small. Would you be game enough to go all the way? Assuming declarer takes the diamond finesse (marked from our bidding: West had no diamond hold), this contract can be made for the loss of three trump tricks.

good result.jpg

I am still a little unsure of what the double of 1Spade-small would mean. Values/ majors perhaps rather than just spades. In this case, penalising 2Club-small after a pass of 1Spade-small seems a reasonably safe way to go.

Have a Lead?

South Deals
N-S Vul
Q 7 2
Q 10
J 9 8 3
9 8 6 4
W   E
West North East South
Pass 2  Pass 3 
Pass 3  Pass 3 NT
All pass      


You are playing Teams. 2Diamond-small is a 3- way Multi. 2Heart-small is “pass or correct” and 3Club-small shows a strong single-suited club hand. 3Diamond-small is natural. Your lead?
Richard Solomon

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