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Volunteer of the Month - Estelle Davis, Taupo

 It has been a while since we have been able to acknowledge one of the many volunteers who are so central to the successful running of our bridge clubs. NZ Bridge wants to be able to say thanks to such people, whether their contribution is one-off or over a period of time. We would like such nominations to come from club committees and should be sent to me at the email address at the bottom of this feature. We were delighted to receive the following nomination from the Taupo Bridge Club. In acknowledging such volunteers, we appreciate that there are many others at every club who give of their time to help their club. Our "Volunteers of the Month" are just a sample of such people.

" Estelle has been a member of the Taupo Bridge Club since April 2015. She was a committee member and secretary for a time in 2016/2017. While Estelle is willing to help the Club in any way she can, she has been hindered by health problems for the last three years. However, she has continued to be a valuable member of our Club.

We often find it  difficult to get members to be standbys for tournaments. However, Estelle is always willing to act in this capacity. She also always provides a large cheese plater for all of our tournaments. She is very willing and almost always available to be called last minute to fill in for missing partners or to make up a pair when required, to avoid a phantom.  Sometimes it is with only 10 minutes notice!

 Estelle Davis vol of month june 21.jpg

We very much appreciate Estelle’s input in this way and would like to nominate her for Volunteer of the Month."

NZ Bridge is delighted to have Estelle as its Volunteer of the Month for June 2021.

Richard Solomon   



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