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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 146

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Included ths week:


Dirty Tricks

  • Competition rules announced
  • Write a poem
  • 5 lines long
  • About Bridge
  • Submit via our email


Get it in by 31st May and we’ll pick a winner

Shock horror – listen to my version





There’s an Aussie in the house

Julian Foster, NSW Life Member, on the ABF Council, NPC for the Australian Mixed Team - Zone 7 2021

We have a general chit chat, talk COVID, face to face Bridge and place bets

Lots more to come next week


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At the pond with Kermit

Pam’s tip is about choosing

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Judge Julie rules

  • what happens if you disagree with the Director
  • argue, sulk or seek help



Happy Bridge everyone

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Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg