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The new Congress Entry system is good to go !

Like a fine cheese, good things take time !

We are pleased to announce that because we no longer have packages, we are able to introduce a proper shopping cart for Congress events on our website.  This reduces the steps for users and automates the entry and payment process for the organisers.

So how does it work ?

  1. The Congress entries are done in the normal Tournament page on the website, but it is easier to find them by going into the Congress tab and click on "Enter an Event here". This will filter the Congress events only, so you do not have to wade through all tournaments.
  2. Once you have entered the events, go to the MY NZB tab where all the up-and-coming tournaments you have entered will be on display, including your Congress events.  For the Congress events, however, there are some special new features: You can pay for one or more events at a time. If paying more than one event, tick the boxes alongside each event then click on "PAY SELECTED MULTI EVENTS"
  3. Once you select to pay a Congress event, the next page allows you to select those you wish to pay for.  You can pay just your entry or that of your partner and or/team mates as well. You may have to scroll down the window to see all the names.
  4. Follow the easy payment steps. You can pay by credit card or online banking. We will no longer accept cheques, as they are being phased out by banks
  5. Once payment is received, your events will show as "PAID" on the MY NZB page.  Online banking will take a few days and will display as "PENDING" until received.
  6. Unpaid entries will display as "PAY NOW" on the MY NZB page
  7. If you start the payment process, but do not checkout, the items will show in the green "SHOPPING CART" at the top of the page under your name. You can click on this at any time to complete the payment process
  8. If you pay for others, their entry on their MY NZB page will also show as being paid
  9. Youth players are eligible for a 50% discount on all events.  This is calculated automatically, so long as we have your Year of Birth is recorded in the system.  Your club or NZB should have already done this, so the youth levy is calculated accordingly.

Some enhancements have also been made to the tournament entry page in general

  • If viewing the tournament list, it will display events you have entered in green marked "ENTERED"
  • The process of entering your partner/team mates is explained better and the dropdown window is clearer
  • If your entry is incomplete (ie no partner or insufficient team mates) this will display as "MISSING PLAYERS"
  • Your contact details can be amended on the entry page if different to the one automatically displaying there and is visible only to your teammates or partner

Thank you for your patience. You can enter now...

If you need assistance, please contact  Richard Solomon

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